NANOBIOTIX, a public limited company with Management and Supervisory Boards (SA à directoire et conseil de surveillance) registered as a company with the trade register in Paris, France, under number B 447 521 600.
Office : 60 Rue de Wattignies, 75012 Paris, France
Phone : +33 1 40 26 04 70
Fax : +33 1 40 26 04 44
Mail :
N° VAT : FR 34 447521600


Information supplied on is for information purposes only and may expressly or implicitly contain certain forward-looking statements concerning Nanobiotix SA and its business. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of Nanobiotix SA to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Nanobiotix SA does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For a discussion of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of Nanobiotix SA to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements please refer to the Risk Factors (Facteurs de Risque) section of the 2014 reference document approved by the AMF on 12 January 2016 under the number R. 16-001, which is available on the AMF website ( or on Nanobiotix SA’s website. 


Purpose of processing:
If you are a healthcare professional, an investor, an individual shareholder, an applicant candidate for a job, a patient, a simple Internet user, or any other business partner, Nanobiotix may collect, store and communicate certain data concerning you only for the purposes listed below:

Nanobiotix attaches particular importance to this data and undertakes to process it responsibly. The data controller and inspector is Nanobiotix whose registered office is located at 60 rue de Wattignies, 75012 Paris, France.
See below contact paragraph for DPO contact information.

Legal framework
When processing your personal data, Nanobiotix complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR) which came into force on 25 May 2018, as well as the French data protection legislation including the Data Protection Act, as amended.
The GDPR establishes a framework within which information about natural persons can be processed, collected, stored, used and disseminated in a restricted manner. The principles of the GDPR specify that all personal data must be:
• Treated fairly, lawfully and transparently and only if certain conditions are met.
• Obtained for specified, explicit, legitimate and lawful purposes, and may not be used for purposes other than those for which it was collected;
• Appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed;
• Clarifies and, if necessary, updates;
• Retained in a form that allows the individual to be identified for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed;
• Processed in accordance with the rights of individuals;
• Kept secure.
• Not transferred outside the European Economic Area unless certain conditions are met.

These principles and the associated protection mechanisms apply to all personal data, whether in electronic or paper form.
Additional information on the General Data Protection Regulation is available from the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, located at 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75334 Paris CEDEX 07 – Tel: +33 01 53 73 22 and on the website

Legal basis for data collection
The legal basis for the collection and use of your personal data described depends on the personal data concerned and the specific context in which Nanobiotix collects it.
Only Nanobiotix staff members who need to perform these actions are authorized to collect the data.
However, Nanobiotix only collects your personal data:
• When Nanobiotix has obtained your consent to do so;
• Where processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of Nanobiotix or those of a third party, unless your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms prevail;
• When Nanobiotix has a legal obligation to collect your personal data.

Nanobiotix uses your data fairly and lawfully. This means that Nanobiotix processes your data in a way that respects the data protection principles and your rights under the GDPR. This also means that your privacy is and will be respected and that all appropriate measures are and will be taken to prevent any unauthorized disclosure.
Maintenance up to date of the data

Data Recipients
Nanobiotix manages your data securely and restricts access to employees, service providers, subcontractors and public authorities, who will only process the data in accordance with the GDPR and on instructions from Nanobiotix. Nanobiotix has put in place the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of your data.
Your data may only be disclosed to third parties when Nanobiotix has obtained your consent for this purpose or when this disclosure is required for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation.

Data retention period:
For additional information on how long your personal data will be retained, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
See below contact paragraph for DPO contact information.
Your rights:
Under the GDPR, you have a number of rights regarding the information that Nanobiotix holds about you and how we may use that information. These rights are as follows:
• right to information: before and during each data collection, Nanobiotix will be able to explain its processing process to you in clear and simple language.
• right of access: you are entitled to ask Nanobiotix to provide you with all personal data held about you;
• right of correction: you are entitled to ask Nanobiotix to rectify, in particular by completing or correcting, all or certain data concerning you;
• right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”): you are entitled to ask Nanobiotix to erase your personal data;
• right to restriction of processing: you are entitled to request Nanobiotix not to process some of your data. It is then said to be locked;
• right to object: you have the right to object to the collection and processing of your personal data;
• right to data portability: when the processing is based on your consent or on the execution of a contract, you are entitled to request and retrieve your data provided to Nanobiotix and you are also entitled to transmit or request to have this data transmitted by Nanobiotix to another data controller. This right is not applicable with the clinical trials data which is stipulated in the ICF.
If you have given Nanobiotix your consent to collect and process your data and you wish to withdraw this consent, you have the right to do so, and Nanobiotix must comply with your request.

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact the Nanobiotix Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the email address
As a data subject, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the Member State in which you live or work.
The Supervisory Authority in France is the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) located at 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75334 Paris CEDEX 07 – Tel: +33 01 53 73 22.

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

Supervisory authority in France:
French Data Protection Authority (CNIL)
3 Place de Fontenoy, 75334 Paris CEDEX 07 – Tel.: +33 01 53 73 22. 


Nanobiotix website and all elements related to it (pictures, texts, videos, trademarks, product names, etc.) are the exclusive property of Nanobiotix or has been licensed to Nanobiotix. Reproduction of all or part of the Website and/or of any matter related to the Website, without Nanobiotix’ consent, is expressly forbidden.

This website contains links/references to third-party websites. By providing such links, Nanobiotix does not give its approval to their contents. Neither does Nanobiotix accept any responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents, of whatever form.

Nanobiotix offers no guarantee that pages linked to provide information of consistent quality. Links to other websites are provided to website users merely for the sake of convenience. Users access such websites at their own risk. The choice of links should in no way restrict users to the linked pages.


This website is governed by French law.

For inquiries about our technology, collaborations, clinical trials, or other topics, we encourage you to get in touch with our team.